• 2019年Afternoon Session

    Grade7 to Grade12

    13:30pm to 16:30pm



    時間:13時30分から16 時30分まで

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  • スケジュール



    Monday November 4th, 2019

    13:30 中等部・高等部 スクールフェア 

         Junior high / high school fair


           Doors open for entry

    13:45 福田崇氏 講演  

         Lecture: Takashi Fukuda

         電通 教育ガラガラポンProject クリエーティブ・ディレクター

         Dentsu Education Scrap-and-Build Project Creative Director 

    14:10 中等部・高等部 各校スクールプレゼンテーション

        Presentations by junior high / high schools

         Participating schools will present their school details and their unique education philosophy.

    15:00 伊藤健志氏 講演

        Lecture: Kenji Ito

         立命館アジア太平洋大学 東京事務所長

         Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Office of the President.

         Title: "Learning with Global Standard and its Future"

    15:30 個別相談

        Individual counseling / guidance


         Please visit individual booths for consultations and guidance.

    16:30 閉場

         Event closing

  • 長野県軽井沢町

    UWC ISAK Japan

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    ユナテッド・ワールド・カレッジ ISAK ジャパンとは?

    Who is United World College ISAK Japan?

    ユナテッド・ワールド・カレッジ ISAK ジャパン (UWC ISAK Japan)は日本初の全寮制の高校で、80ヶ国以上より集まった約200名の学生が軽井沢のキャンパスで生活をしています。

    UWCとは1962年に始まった教育ムーブメントであり、現在、世界中に18校の学校が、「教育を通じて、人々や国や文化を結び、平和と持続可能な未来に貢献する」ことを共通のミッションとしてムーブメントを支えています。ユナテッド・ワールド・カレッジ ISAK ジャパンは、2016年にUWCに加盟し、今日も2014年の開校当初より変わらず、「自ら成長し続け、新たなフロンティアに挑み、共に時代を創っていくチェンジメーカーを育む」ことをアイデンティティーとして教育を提供しています。


    UWC ISAK Japan is a full-boarding international school for grade 10 to 12, in Karuizawa, Nagano with 200 students from over 80 countries.

    Today, there are eighteen UWC schools around the world who believe in and deliver the mission of "UWC makes education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future." Within the movement, UWC ISAK Japan is committed to providing education to empower each other to be transformational leaders who explore new frontiers and make a positive impact today and in the future.

  • 東京都千代田区

    Chiyoda International School Tokyo


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    本校の「UbT x UbC(テクノロジーを使った学びとコミュニケーションを通した学び)」という理念のもと、21世紀における成功のために両者のバランスを図ることの重要性をCHISTの児童生徒に体得させるカリキュラムを実施しています。


    Synthesizing the best practices from Japanese and global curriculums, CHIST prepares our students for their academic futures while emphasizing the collaborative and communicative skills our children need to maintain healthy relationships on an individual, local, and global level.

    CHIST provides the best global standard education with collaboration, communication, and reflection to nurture life-long learners.

    Our UbT x UbC (Understanding through Technology and Communication) philosophy underpins our curriculum, instilling CHIST students with the importance of balancing both for 21st century success.

  • 世界中を旅する高校


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    1年次・・・語学力・国際教養力 - 世界的に活躍する人材に必須の英語を強化
    2年次・・・思考力・国際経験 - 少人数グループで世界数か国を巡りながらのテーマ別フィールドワーク
    3年次・・・未来へ向けて - 見えてきた将来の目標や進路(国内外の大学進学や起業など)に向けての準備期間

  • A world you can only see through immersing yourself

    Manai Institute of Science and Technology

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    ”Do What You Love” 人々が自分の好きなことに自由に没頭できる、そんな世の中を実現させることがManaiのミッションです。






    Do What You Love

    Manai’s mission is to create such a world where people can freely immerse themselves in the things they love.


    Manai will create a world where people can truly and freely pursue the things they love. Learning is the only way to make people free. By learning, people become free from the narrow world view and customs, the fixed ideas created by the atmosphere, and they will be able to live their own lives.

    Manai will create a place where people can meet different disciplines. There, one can find what they are interested in and experience the immersion in the study where they can act out of impulse and gut feelings.

  • 東京都八王子市

    Tokyo West International School

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    東京ウエストインターナショナルスクールとは?Who is the Tokyo West International School?






    We are a non-religious international school, located in Hachioji, Tokyo, with approximately 200 children learning in English through our curriculum for kindergarten to junior high school students.


    We are internationally accredited by AdvancED, with many American students attending our school. Our graduates continue onto prestigious international schools and private schools. 


    Our students mainly come from the Tama region: Hachioji, Tachikawa, Kunitachi, and Fuchu area. As the demands for the international education rise, our applicants are on the rise as well.


    What makes TWIS unique is the fact that we have many American base children attending our school, and so we act as a bridge between Japan and the US through international education.

  • International School

    Event Updates

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    What is international school?

    To be announced in the upcoming notice.


     Guidance Consulting of GLOBAL STEP ACADEMY


    A Professional International Educator

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    What is GSA Consulting?


    Global Step Academy (GSA) manages GSA Online and international preschools, as well as a consulting service to guide parents and children to enroll into domestic international schools and boarding schools and colleges / universities abroad.


    GSA's lead consultant, John Montgomery, who has worked at one of the most prestigious international school in Tokyo for more than 35 years, with 33 years of guidance counseling experience, will be offering private counseling at the event.


    We will also introduce the Oxbridge Academic Program hosted by Oxford University and Cambridge University.


    For details of our GSA Consulting service, please click here.


    Global Step Academyは、オンラインとプリスクール、印を経営しています。保護者からの相談も多く、国内のインターナショナルスクールや海外のボーディング、海外の大学を紹介してい明日。






  • 午後の部

    参加校 中等部・高等部リスト

    Participating schools and details of the afternoon session

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    Chiyoda International School Tokyo


    An international school with a global standard curriculum.

    Location:11 Yonban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0081 Japan

    住所:〒102-0081 東京都千代田区四番町11番地

    Grades: G1 to G11
    Phone: 03-5422-6569

    URL: https://www.chist.jp

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    UWC ISAK Japan



    The only UWC accredited school in Japan

    Location:5827-136 Nagakura, Karuizawa, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano 389-0111

    住所:〒389-0111 長野県北佐久郡軽井沢町長倉5827-136

    Grades: G10 to G12 高等学校1年生から3年生まで

    URL: https://uwcisak.jp/

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    Learning outside of Japanese classrooms, learning as they travel around the world, aiming to be accepted into great schools worldwide. It is the internationally progressive international school.

    Location:in the world

    住所:東京都千代田区霞が関一丁目4番1号 日土地ビル2F SENQ内

    Grades: G10 to G12 高等部



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    Manai Institute of Science and Technology

    ”Do What You Love” 人々が自分の好きなことに自由に没頭できる、そんな世の中を実現させることがManaiのミッションです。

    Manai’s mission is to create such a world where people can freely immerse themselves in the things they love.

    Location:Kindaikagakusya Building 8F, 2-7-15, Ichigayatamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 162-0843

    住所:〒162-0843 東京都新宿区市谷田町2丁目7−15 近代科学社ビル8階
    Phone: 03-6455-1299

    Grades: G10 to (G12) 高等部



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    Tokyo West International School


    An international school with a large American student population

    Location:185 Umetsubo-machi, Hachioji city, Tokyo, Japan 192-0013

    住所:〒192-0013 東京都八王子市梅坪町185
    Phone: 042-691-1441

    Grades: Pre-K to G9 2歳から幼稚部、小学部、中等部まで

    URL: https://www.tokyowest.jp/