• Morning Session

    PRE to Grade6

    10:00am to 12:30am





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  • スケジュール



    Monday November 4th, 2019

    10:00 午前の部 幼稚部、小学部 スクールフェア

        Preschool and elementary school fair

         開場 Doors open for entry

    10:30 平田久子氏講演 

         Lecture by Hisako Hirata


         Author of "The Book to Read When You Want to Enroll Your Child Into an International School"

    11:00 幼稚部・小学部 各校スクールプレゼンテーション

        Presentations by preschools and elementary schools


         Participating schools will present their school details and their unique education philosophy.

    12:00 個別相談 

       Individual counseling / guidance


         Please visit individual booths for consultations and guidance.

    13:00 中等部、高等部の準備が入ります。ご了承ください。

        Junior high / high school fair

  • 午前の部

    参加校 幼稚部・小学部リスト

    Participating schools and details of the morning session

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    キンダーキッズ インターナショナルスクール

    An international school that has sister schools in Canada, Hawaii, and Singapore


    Grades: 0 to K 0歳から未就学児童まで

    URL: https://www.kinderkids.com

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    Laurus International School of Science

    ローラス インターナショナルスクール オブ サイエンス

    An international school which specializes in Science

    Location:3-4-17 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 108-0071

    Grades: Pre-K to G4 0歳から保育部、幼稚部、初等部まで
    Phone: 03-5422-6569

    URL: https://laurus-school.com/

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    Jinseki International School


    An international boarding school for elementary school children
    Due to open on April 2020


    〒720-1603 広島県神石高原町時安5090

    Grades: G1 to G6


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    GG International School

    GG インターナショナルスクール

    東京都品川区、目黒区に複数を運営し、「Art to Science」をカリキュラムのベースとしてます。

    We believe asking “why,” “what,” and “how” is the essence of learning no matter a person’s age.

    Location:4-13-16 Nishigotanda, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141-0031

    住所:〒141-0031 東京都品川区西五反田4-13-16 サムデイ不動前 1F

    Grades: Pre-K 0歳から幼稚部まで

    URL: https://ggis.jp/

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    Tokyo West International School


    An international school with a large American student population

    Location:185 Umetsubo-machi, Hachioji city, Tokyo, Japan 192-0013

    住所:〒192-0013 東京都八王子市梅坪町185
    Phone: 042-691-1441

    Grades: Pre-K to G9 2歳から幼稚部、小学部、中等部まで

    URL: https://www.tokyowest.jp/

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    vKirirom International School


    An international school which is affiliated with the vKirirom Institute of Technology

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    Manai Junior 


    We provide learning environment for elementary and middle school students who loves science but have no place to learn them.

    Location:Kindaikagakusya Building 8F, 2-7-15, Ichigayatamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 162-0843

    住所(市ヶ谷Base):〒162-0843 東京都新宿区市谷田町2丁目7−15 近代科学社ビル8階
    Phone: 03-6455-1299

    Grades: G1 to G9 小学部・中学部



  • 東京都、大阪府をはじめ日本全国およびカナダ、アメリカ、シンガポールに開校


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    国際感覚を持ったバイリンガルの子どもを育てる。Our goal is to develop children into internationally minded, bilingual citizens of Japan.






    We provide the opportunity to receive a high-wide many children to quality as an educational global enterprise education, to force an international sensation and high English proficiency, in a society where globalization, to the native pride and to their own you mission is to graduates a lot of children to be active on the international stage with confidence even one person.


    Mind and English of the power of Japan

    In the Kinder Kids, touch the Japanese and foreign both cultures, while to take care of "Japanese mind," incorporating a good place Japanese-style education, they have carried out the education to acquire the power to convey firmly their opinions in English you.

  • 東京都を含め関東に複数開校

    Laurus International School of Science

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    What sort of school is the Laurus International School of Science?

    The current society has become very dependent on internet, where a wide variety of information can be found.


    We educate our students to think critically, to analyze using your own thought process and not being lost in the overflowing information provided to us.


    By asking questions and building hypothesis, repeating experiments and observations, looking at problems from variety of perspectives, analyzing objectively, children can learn to think on their own. This will nurture an inquisitive minds, as well as sharpening their intuitions.


    At Laurus, we have daily science classes to build the fundamentals of critical thinking.

  • International School

    Event Updates

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    What is international school?

    To be announced in the upcoming notice.

  • 広島県神石高原町に2020年4月開校

    Jinseki International School

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    Japan’s first dual language British Curriculum Boarding School to open in April 2020.



    NEED education is delighted to announce the opening in 2020, a UK National Curriculum, dual language school that offers an alternative to and preparation for, US and European independent schools. Set in the picturesque Chugoku Mountains, JINIS will offer an outstanding independent school education promoting wellness for all seasons through activities such as skiing, golf, and horse-riding. The school is nestled on a site of over 50,000 square metres of land with an adjoining farm that provides fresh produce and dairy for its pupils.

  • 東京都八王子市

    Tokyo West International School

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    東京ウエストインターナショナルスクールとは?Who is the Tokyo West International School?

    ”Grow Local Soar Global”をスローガンに本校は、東京都八王子市にある幼稚部(2歳から)、小学部、中等部で約200人が学ぶ無宗教の男女共学のインターナショナルスクールです。






    We are a non-religious international school, located in Hachioji, Tokyo, with approximately 200 children learning in English through our curriculum for kindergarten to junior high school students.


    We are internationally accredited by AdvancED, with many American students attending our school. Our graduates continue onto prestigious international schools and private schools. 


    Our students mainly come from the Tama region: Hachioji, Tachikawa, Kunitachi, and Fuchu area. As the demands for the international education rise, our applicants are on the rise as well.


    What makes TWIS unique is the fact that we have many American base children attending our school, and so we act as a bridge between Japan and the US through international education.

  • 東京都目黒区、品川区

    GG International School

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    GG International Schoolとは?


    生徒同士は兄弟のように、保護者や先生など大人も家族のように互いを信頼し合う場所です。GGに通う子どもたちにとって、愛されていると実感できる一つの場所となり、人格形成の根幹となる揺るぎない自信を育みながら学べる場所とすることがGGIS(GG International School)の最大のコア・バリューです。


    GG International School is located in the heart of Tokyo in the Meguro-Shinagawa area. We offer full-day nursery and kindergarten programs, as well as an after-school program, to accommodate your family’s needs. All programs are designed to encourage an emerging sense of self, while nurturing intellectual growth, exploration, and socialization in a safe, supportive environment for children aged six months to 12 years.

  • カンボジア王国キリロム高原

    vKirirom International School

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    vKirirom International Schoolとは?

    vKISは「ネットワークで繋がる世界最小のインターナショナルスクール」をコンセプトに、STEAM教育をカリキュラムの中心に据えたインターナショナルスクールです。Self Learning, Buddy Learning, PBL(Project Based Learning)などのアプローチとIT活用を組み合わせることで、低価格と効率的な学習スタイルを実現しています。


    We will be clusters of international schools linked to one another and to the world.

    vKIS is the venue for children to design their lives, connect to the people and accomplish challenging tasks with confidence and creativity.

    vKIS is always ready to provide experiential learning and various activities to the children.

  • A world you can only see through immersing yourself

    Manai Junior

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    Manai JUNIORとは?

    Manai Institute of Science and Technologyの開校に伴い、小・中学生が日中研究に没頭できる環境を市ヶ谷Baseに設けます。

    それがManai Juniorです。



    「もっとサイエンスに詳しくなりたい」「研究に没頭したい」「研究を手伝ってくれる人が欲しい」 そんな生徒を求めています。